I’ve often used Personas, specifically short stories of the persona, to help onboard broader stakeholders to the new features and experiences on the product roadmap.
These cheesy little stories are packed with how users might interact with the application or features within the experience. Whereas a customer journey might be a bit more technical, with boxes and guides within swim lanes, these are approachable and, yes, even a bit whimsical, or “cringe,” as my kids might call them. Cringe or no cringe — it has to be memorable. The reader must walk away from the story knowing exactly when, where, and how they might use the technology.
I’ve chosen to write about three different personas:
Brian F. is a coffee shop owner looking for operational efficiencies.
Francis G. is a twenty-something who is looking for quick and personalized ordering to get her to the next thing.
Fred S. is a remote developer who has a full coffee bar at his house and utilizes Drops and Specials.
Check out their stories, and hopefully, you’ll see yourself in one of the personas, or you may even create your own story on how you might use Barista Bot to elevate your ordering experience.